Ancestry US

Privacy Promise & Affiliate Links

Privacy Promise
If you choose to share your name, email address, or any social media handles with me, I promise not to share it/them with any third parties.

In terms of data collection, I personally collect none! I can access generic metric information such as page views or search terms used to find my blog (with no identifiable markings attached) provided by Google Analytics. See Google's privacy policy here.

Adsense & Affiliate Links
In order to help offset the cost of research and blogging, I participate in Google Adsense (privacy policy linked above) and affiliate programs with companies such as Ancestry and Amazon. If you were to choose to make a purchase of any service or product offered through such a link, the price you pay would be no different than if you arrived at that landing page through any other means.

I promise to always identify text-only affiliate links with at least an asterisk (*), if not something more specific.

Lastly, if you choose to make a purchase through an affiliate link within the articles/posts/pages of this blog -- Thanks so much! Your support allows me to keep researching and sharing content.

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